Monday, January 08, 2007

On Closure and Creation

(to meditate on while we transfer leadership...)

"What needs to be reconsidered are these widely adopted and imposed forms of closure whose main function is simply to wrap up a product and facilitate consumption. They create neither a space of serenity nor of fecundity for the mind and body to rest and grow; rather they naturalize the zone of confromity, where freedom conists of filling in to one’s taste and monetary capacity, the pre-assigned slots.”

"The work space and the space of creation is where she confronts and leaves off at the same time a world of named nooks and corners, of street signs and traffic regulations, of beaten paths and multiple masks, of constant intermeshing with other bodies'--that are also her own---needs, assumptions, prejudices and limits."
Trinh T. Min-ha "Cotton and Iron" (1990)

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