Monday, April 13, 2009

Habit Forming Love!

Introducing Habit Forming Love,


They say it takes 21 days to form a habit…so on March 4th 2009 I embarked on a journey to love myself, my community and my chosen romantic partner intentionally, bravely, loudly and proudly. And now I am ready to share the results with you! In addition to teaching myself how to love, by transmitting my love via internet video I was also teaching myself how to make simple yet effective at home videos using my computer, my phone and very basic editing software and how to make those videos internet accessible.

This experiment has taught me so much. I have emerged less self-conscious about my own face, more confident about the miraculous vitality of love in all of its forms and more adept at using online video as a tool for self-expression, affirmation and community education.

The three focus areas of my project were


for example:

(Go to to see the whole 21 day process)


for example…

(Go to for the whole 21 day process)

and Romantic Love

(Sorry loves…the whole process is for Julia’s eyes only wink!)

Browse the “life” “love” and “community” sections of this site to see some of my more detailed reflections on each process and more examples.

One of the most important things that this process taught me is that even an analog girl in a digital world can make compelling, effective video. I don’t have to be perfect to carry the message of love that my ancestors are speaking through me and the video doesn’t have to be perfect to carry it’s message. The magic is in the medium. Try it yourself, and email if you want to share!

love (is a habit),


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there :)

Greetings from Mexico City!
love your blog!!:D

Have you been following the horrible events in Afghanistan?
They tried to pass a law that allowed marital rape, among other horrible situations, some very brave Afghani woman protested. I was reminded of your efforts, and how much we can accomplish by being brave. Rock on,

Michelle! :)